GUILD HK | Your Signature
in the Creative Industries
Walking on Air, an original Hong Kong story designed in collaboration with HK Ballet Artists. Creative Director, Dr. Page Richards.
Videographer, Andreas Guzmán.
GUILD HK reimagines the courage to create. We empower self-knowledge and first-rate outcomes in the Creative Industries, proven at top universities for more than 20 years. Together, we build your lasting insight, lucrative potential, and creative agility. Sustaining the life of your project, to endure over time, is Guild HK’s unique and renowned signature.
Technical knowledge is only the starting point of creation and discovery!
from Leland Stanford
+Masterworks Series
Special Masterworks Session | 14-16 OCT
This Special Masterworks Session features unprecedented depth and access to each participant’s living “creative code.” Every entering content creator, creative writer, or media designer will travel from initial inspiration to original manuscript or creative content creation, of lasting impact.

Revel in a New Level of Success!
Revel in a New Level of Success!
+Thought Leadership, AI Research & More
Transformational learning originates in the human senses. How does transformational learning originate in AI, as it co-exists with our carbon-based learning curves? Research and practice continue to fill in the map and ask key questions, including what “aspect of electrical patterning,” currently unknown to human minds is AI learning to “speak, learn, and generate?”

Book a Lively Talk & Creative Q&A
The Challenge of AI, The Creative Code & more
Book a Lively Talk & Creative Q&A
The Challenge of AI, The Creative Code & more
+Writing, Theatre, Incubation & Curation
The Nobel Prize winner Seamus Heaney focuses on “deep knowledge” in every creator, and on the four C’s of every project, for making and delivering original works of lifelong impact: Courage, Curiosity, Code & Care. Your Multimedia, Cross-Disciplinary Portfolio or Creative Writing Manuscript in-the-making deserves close attention, and delivery! Our expert guidance brings out your unique creative qualities, prestigious design, and customised frameworks toward success, installation, and publication.

Elevate Your Project to Top Levels
Elevate Your Project to Top Levels
+Community & Creative Entrepreneurship
The 21st century era of digital communications often puts a premium of speed and outcomes. Staying ahead of the curve, at Guild HK, we never give up on taking more time, and the chance to learn more about you. This treasured platform of time, fast and slow, offers us customised insight and collaborative innovation. As the poet Neruda explains, deep inside the 21st century “something still greater and more beautiful because it widens out the boundaries of our being, and unites all living things.”

New Membership? | New Creative Industry Partnership?
Explore here!
New Membership? | New Creative Industry Partnership?
Explore here!
Founded by Dr. Page Richards & Georges Hung, Guild HK has inextricable trust in your courage to create, together with our proven results over twenty years. Joining years of academic expertise and award-winning practices in literature, design, architecture, poetry, theatre, AI and infrastructure, Page and Georges continue to build interdisciplinary excellence with you, inviting unexpected creative collaborations across Hong Kong, Macau, the Mainland, and worldwide.
Founded by Dr. Page Richards & Georges Hung, Guild HK has inextricable trust in your courage to create, together with our proven results over twenty years.
Joining years of academic expertise and award-winning practices in literature, design, architecture, poetry, theatre, AI and infrastructure, Page and Georges continue to build interdisciplinary excellence with you, inviting unexpected creative collaborations across Hong Kong, Macau, the Mainland, and worldwide.

Dr. Page Richards
CEO| Creative Director
Ph.D., M.A. Harvard University in Literature | M.F.A. Boston University in Creative Writing | B.A. University of Pennsylvania in Mathematics and Poetry

Georges Hung
CEO| Immersive Director
ARCHITECTE D.P.L.G. | M.ARCH | AIA | l’ORDRE DES ARCHITECTES ile-de-France | Registered Architect in France & New York, USA
Meet Our Core Team, Still Growing!
Meet Our Core Team, Still Growing!

Founder-CEO | Creative Director

Founder-CEO | Immersive Director